Project LEAD, which stands for “Leaders Empowering Action Day,” is a one-day case study competition that brings together individuals with various skill sets to accomplish one shared goal: to use their expertise in brainstorming actionable and innovative solutions addressing business issues faced by community nonprofits. In case study competition fashion, teams will work on solutions to these real-life issues in only three hours, while making a lasting impact on their local communities.

This event is aimed for professionals across disciplines (finance, project management, operations, marketing, human capital management, etc.) to work directly with nonprofits on issues or projects where they can provide value. Our hope is this will inspire attendees to volunteer, donate, or otherwise be more engaged in the community.

The winning team will win $50 Amazon gift cards for each member (up to 5).

For 2023, Project LEAD will be benefiting the following nonprofits:

  • The Asian American EDUcation Project aims to provide tailored K-12 curriculum for educators to teach Asian American history to students in classrooms across the nation.

  • Act to Change leads educational programming for K-12 youth, resource support for educators and caregivers, and coalition building with advocacy organizations to impact policy. Act To Change is the only national non-profit organization with the mission of protecting AAPI youth from bullying.

For Volunteer Consultants (aka Project LEAD Participants)

We’re looking for professionals with experience across multiple disciplines (finance, project management, strategy and operations, marketing, human capital management, etc.).

Benefits of Participating in Project LEAD

  • Volunteer your time by helping local nonprofits address an organizational need

  • Exercise your professional expertise in creative ways outside your normal day jobs

  • Network and build relationships with other like-minded professionals

  • Get involved with your community and learn more about other volunteer opportunities

Volunteer Consultant Expectations

  • Listen, participate, and network with your peers and community leaders! Our goal is to promote leadership and community involvement among attendees. Not only will you make a positive impact on nonprofits in our Los Angeles community, but you'll also walk away with a larger network with other like-minded professionals and a greater understanding of how you can continue giving back to the community.

  • There will be guest speakers and judges observing your efforts and guiding you throughout the event. You can also connect with an organization you would like to work with after the event.

  • Please bring a laptop or device to do research during the consulting portion of the event. All teams will need to prepare a demo/presentation of their solutions to our judges and the community via Google Slides. This can be easily done on a laptop but is doable via a smartphone. If you are unable to bring a laptop or network-connected device, you will still be able to participate in helping out your team and networking.

You can register as either a team or an individual. Registration will close EOD Friday, October 27th.

Project LEAD Schedule (Subject to change)

  • 9:30 AM: Check-In

  • 10:00 AM: Project LEAD begins

    • Introduce nonprofits and challenge statements

    • Event overview and instructions

  • 11:00 AM: Team working session and presentation prep begins

    • 12:00PM-12:30PM: Lunch Break (we will provide lunch or feel free to bring your own)

  • 1:30 PM: Presentations

  • 3:00 PM: Judging

  • 3:30 PM: Winner announcement and closing remarks

  • 4:00PM: Event ends

A look back at Project LEAD 2018

For a glimpse at what to expect, read about PbP LA's first Project LEAD in 2018 here


Please note that the event structure has changed since this event.

Contact Project by Project Los Angeles

If you have any questions, please contact us at

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