How Our Partner Fights Homelessness

HOME: Housing Opportunities Meant For Everyone (Part 1 of 3)


Looking at the excitement at our Ticket Launch Mixer for our signature, annual tasting benefit, we are thrilled about our beneficiary campaign this year. We gathered many questions about our returning restaurants and new chefs at Plate by Plate 2019. In the first of our three-part series on our beneficiary partnership, we want to address some of the questions about our beneficiary partner this year.

This year, Project by Project Los Angeles is partnering with Center for the Pacific Asian Family (CPAF) to advocate for Asian & Pacific Islander American (API)  representation in the movement to end homelessness. As one of the main drivers of homelessness is domestic violence, CPAF provides survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault with emergency and transitional shelters and permanent housing with API language and cultural support services.

 What exactly does CPAF do?


CPAF’s mission is to build healthy and safe communities by addressing the root causes and the consequences of family violence and violence against women. The agency specializes in serving low-income API survivors of domestic and sexual violence and is committed to meeting the specific cultural and language needs of API women and their families. CPAF operates the only 24-hour API-language crisis hotline for survivors of domestic and sexual violence in Southern California, and the only rape crisis center that provides advocacy for API survivors state-wide. 

Through one branch of its community programs, CPAF connects their non-residential clients with community advocates and service providers. At prevention workshops and community events, CPAF equipes participants with the skills and knowledge to support themselves striving to be free of violence. As CPAF’s scope has grown, volunteers have joined its community programs to assist raising awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault and providing essential multi-language education to our API community.

Highlights from the Emergency Shelter Programs:

  • CPAF operates the only emergency shelter programs in Southern California that specializes in addressing the needs of domestic violence survivors in the API community.

  • Survivors of domestic or sexual violence and their children stay in CPAF’s safe and confidential shelter facility for up to six months while they move from crisis to safety and healing.

  • Other services include: comprehensive case management, crisis intervention counseling, financial literacy, vocational education, and assistance with locating permanent or transitional housing

Success from the Transitional Shelter Programs:

  • CPAF operates 2 of only 3 transitional shelter programs serving the API population in Southern California.

  • CPAF’s safe and confidential transitional housing program provides counseling and case management services to help survivors who need a longer transition time to become self-reliant, and maintain safe and healthy relationships.

  • Services include counseling and emotional support, financial support for education and training, childcare, and assistance to locate safe, permanent housing

Successful community support for homelessness and domestic violence must accommodate both the diversity of language and cultures in the community. This year, CPAF has been recognized by the City of Los Angeles and the State of Government for the success of their pioneering programs. Stay tune for continuing blog series on our 2019 campaign: HOME: Housing Opportunities Meant For Everyone, as we share in the next post how PbP-LA is combating homelessness with our partner

For more information on CPAF’s community programs and ways you can volunteer, please visit
